My work is driven by an ongoing fascination with the aerial perspective. Viewing our landscape from directly above without a strong foreground and background positions all objects onto an equal playing field. From this perspective we can view life with a sense of omnipresence, seeing several different places vast distances apart at once, each carrying its own relative weight. Our routes through these two-dimensional landscapes create paths leading from one important hub to another, like a human ant farm. Other lines on these landscapes are more theoretical boundaries that would go unseen in any setting other than a political map.

These boundaries are determined by a long list of systematic rules and regulations that shape the way we live our lives. These lines exist as large as the boundaries of states and countries as well as on much smaller scales, like the boundary lines of a ping-pong table. The lines sit on a two-dimensional plane but create invisible three-dimensional barriers that segment the spaces where we live our lives. These sometimes abstract, sometimes arbitrary, sometimes imaginary lines have a much more tangible impact on what life is and can be on each side of those barriers.

 My work is a product of my questioning and examining the way we separate and regulate space on all of these scales. Just as a map is a scale model of reality, my artworks act as a model—a model of reality, or at least what may be accepted or not accepted as reality.